Chicken Cutlets Recipe: Crispy & Quick

Chicken cutlets are a staple in culinary traditions worldwide, valued for their quick cooking and versatility. These thin slices of chicken breast are flattened to ensure even cooking and a tender texture. Typically, cutlets are breaded and pan-fried to a golden crisp, encapsulating a juicy interior. This preparation makes them ideal for a variety of dishes, from quick weeknight dinners to more elaborate meals. They serve as the foundation for classics like chicken Parmesan and chicken Milanese, easily adapting to different flavors and presentations. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to perfect chicken cutlets, enhancing any meal with their delightful texture and taste.

What is chicken cutlets?

A chicken cutlets is a thin slice of chicken breast, flattened to ensure even cooking and tenderness. Typically, cutlets are breaded and then fried, baked, or sautéed to create a crispy exterior. This preparation makes them a versatile base for various dishes, such as chicken Parmesan or Milanese. Their quick cooking time and delicious crust make chicken cutlets a popular choice for easy and satisfying meals.

Essential Tools for Cooking Chicken Cutlets

To efficiently prepare chicken cutlets, ensure you have these key kitchen tools:

  1. Meat Mallet: For pounding chicken to an even thickness, ensuring uniform cooking.
  2. Sharp Knife: For precisely slicing chicken breasts into thin cutlets.
  3. Cutting Board: A dedicated board helps prevent cross-contamination and provides ample space for preparation.
  4. Three Shallow Bowls: For setting up a breading station with flour, beaten eggs, and breadcrumbs.
  5. Large Skillet or Frying Pan: A heavy-bottomed pan is ideal for even frying without overcrowding.
  6. Tongs: For safely flipping cutlets in hot oil without piercing the meat.
  7. Instant-Read Thermometer: To check that chicken is cooked to the safe internal temperature of 165°F.
  8. Wire Rack and Baking Sheet: For draining cooked cutlets and keeping them crispy.
  9. Paper Towels: For blotting excess oil after frying.
  10. Splatter Screen: Optional, for keeping your stovetop clean from oil splatters.


Creating the perfect chicken cutlets starts with selecting the right ingredients, which blend to form the foundation of this crispy, satisfying dish. At its core, the chicken cutlet is simple yet versatile, allowing for various tweaks and customizations to suit any taste. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Chicken Breast: The star of the show is the chicken breast, thinly sliced or pounded to an even thickness. This ensures quick cooking and a tender bite. Opt for fresh, high-quality chicken for the best results.
  2. Breadcrumbs: For the coating, you can choose between traditional breadcrumbs and panko. Panko breadcrumbs are Japanese-style breadcrumbs that are lighter and flakier, offering a crunchier texture when fried.
  3. Seasoning: Essential seasonings include salt and pepper for basic seasoning, along with garlic powder for a hint of warmth. Feel free to add other spices like paprika or onion powder according to your preference.
  4. Eggs and Milk: These are used to create an egg wash, which helps the breadcrumbs adhere to the chicken. The milk helps to thin the egg’s viscosity, allowing for a smoother dip.
  5. Oil for Frying: Choose an oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable or canola oil. These oils can handle the high temperatures required for frying without imparting any unwanted flavors to the cutlets.
  6. Optional Add-Ins: Enhance your cutlets by adding grated Parmesan cheese to the breadcrumb mixture or incorporating fresh herbs like parsley or thyme for a touch of greenery and flavor.

Step-by-Step Cooking Guide

1. Preparing the Chicken:

  • Trim and Flatten: Remove excess fat from the chicken breasts. If thick, slice horizontally into thinner pieces. Place chicken between sheets of plastic wrap and gently pound to an even thickness of about ¼ inch using a meat mallet. This ensures even cooking and tenderness.

2. Setting Up Your Dredging Station:

  • Three-Part Dredge: Prepare three shallow bowls. In the first, mix flour with salt and pepper. In the second, whisk two eggs with a tablespoon of water. In the third, combine breadcrumbs with seasonings like garlic powder and optionally, grated Parmesan.
  • Coating: Dredge each chicken piece in flour, dip in egg wash, then firmly press into breadcrumbs until fully coated. Set aside on a plate.

3. Frying the Chicken:

  • Heat Oil: In a large skillet, heat oil (enough to cover the pan to about half an inch) over medium-high heat. The oil is ready when a breadcrumb sizzles upon contact.
  • Cook: Fry the cutlets without overcrowding, about 3-4 minutes per side, until golden and the internal temperature reaches 165°F.
  • Drain: Transfer the cutlets to a wire rack or paper towels to remove excess oil.

4. Serving:

  • Immediate Serving: Best served hot, chicken cutlets go well with a squeeze of lemon, fresh greens, or atop pasta.
  • Variations: For a quick chicken Parmesan, top with marinara and mozzarella and broil until the cheese melts. Alternatively, cut into strips for sandwiches or wraps.

Common Mistakes and Tips

Making chicken cutlets seems straightforward, but a few common mistakes can compromise their quality. Here’s how to avoid these pitfalls and ensure perfect results every time:

1. Not Flattening Chicken Evenly:

  • Tip: Uneven chicken cooks unevenly. Always pound your chicken to a uniform thickness of about ¼ inch. This promotes even cooking and ensures every bite is tender.

2. Skipping the Seasoning:

  • Tip: Chicken needs seasoning to enhance its flavor. Season both the chicken and the flour for breading. A simple mix of salt, pepper, and garlic powder can elevate the taste significantly.

3. Dredge Station Disorganization:

  • Tip: Set up your dredging station in order: flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs. Make sure each bowl is accessible and large enough to handle the chicken without spilling.

4. Using the Wrong Oil:

  • Tip: Use an oil with a high smoke point, like canola or vegetable oil, to avoid burning. Ensure the oil is hot enough before adding the chicken—around 350°F is ideal. A breadcrumb should sizzle when tossed in.

5. Overcrowding the Pan:

  • Tip: Crowding the pan lowers the oil temperature, leading to soggy cutlets. Cook in batches if necessary to maintain oil temperature and ensure a crispy exterior.

6. Overcooking the Chicken:

  • Tip: Chicken cutlets cook quickly because of their thinness. Overcooking can make them tough and dry. Monitor closely and remove from heat as soon as they reach an internal temperature of 165°F and are golden brown.

7. Not Resting Before Serving:

  • Tip: Let the cutlets rest for a few minutes on a wire rack after frying. This prevents them from becoming soggy and helps retain their crispy texture.

Frequently Asked Questions About Making chicken cutlets

how long to bake chicken cutlets?

Baking chicken cutlets is a healthier alternative to frying and can produce equally delicious results. To bake chicken cutlets, follow these general guidelines:

  1. Preheat the Oven: Set your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) to ensure it reaches the correct temperature for cooking the chicken evenly and quickly.
  2. Prepare the Cutlets: Season and bread your chicken cutlets as you normally would for frying. You can use a light spray or brush of olive oil or cooking spray on the breaded cutlets to help achieve a golden color and crispy texture.
  3. Bake: Place the breaded chicken cutlets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or lightly greased to prevent sticking. Bake in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cutlets.
  4. Check for Doneness: The cutlets are done when they are golden brown on the outside and the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius). Use an instant-read thermometer to check the temperature.
  5. Optional Broiling: For an extra crispy exterior, you can broil the cutlets for an additional 2-3 minutes after they have finished baking.

What is the difference between chicken cutlets and chicken breasts?

Chicken cutlets and chicken breasts differ primarily in their preparation and cooking methods. Here’s a closer look at these differences:

  1. Form and Preparation:
    • Chicken Breasts: These are the whole breasts of the chicken, which include the boneless and skinless parts of the chicken’s pectoral muscles. They are thicker and can vary significantly in size and thickness across the piece.
    • Chicken Cutlets: Cutlets are made by slicing chicken breasts horizontally into thinner pieces or by pounding them flat. This results in a more uniform thickness which is ideal for quick cooking. Cutlets are essentially a prepared form of chicken breasts.
  2. Cooking Time and Methods:
    • Chicken Breasts: Due to their thickness, chicken breasts take longer to cook thoroughly. They are versatile in terms of cooking methods and can be baked, grilled, roasted, or sautéed.
    • Chicken Cutlets: Their thinner size allows for faster cooking, making them ideal for frying, sautéing, or grilling quickly on high heat. This quick cooking ensures a crispy exterior without drying out the meat.
  3. Culinary Uses:
    • Chicken Breasts: They are often used in recipes where a whole, thick piece of chicken is preferred, such as in baking or when stuffing is involved. Their larger size makes them suitable for meals where they are the centerpiece of the dish.
    • Chicken Cutlets: Because of their even thickness and tender texture, cutlets are excellent for breaded and fried dishes or any recipe requiring a consistent, quick-to-cook form of chicken. They are popular in dishes like chicken Parmesan, Milanese, or as sandwich meat.

what to serve with chicken cutlets ?

Chicken cutlets are incredibly versatile, making them a fantastic base for a variety of side dishes. Here are some popular options to consider when planning what to serve with chicken cutlets:

  1. Vegetable Sides:
    • Steamed Broccoli or Asparagus: Lightly steamed and seasoned with a bit of olive oil, salt, and lemon zest, these greens complement the richness of fried cutlets.
    • Roasted Carrots or Brussels Sprouts: Roasting these vegetables brings out a natural sweetness that pairs beautifully with the savory flavor of chicken.
  2. Starches:
    • Mashed Potatoes: Creamy and smooth, mashed potatoes make a comforting side that goes well with the crispy texture of cutlets.
    • Rice Pilaf: A lightly seasoned rice pilaf can serve as a subtle, elegant side that doesn’t overpower the main dish.
    • Sweet Potato Fries: For a sweeter take, sweet potato fries offer a delightful crunch and vibrant flavor contrast.
  3. Salads:
    • Caesar Salad: A classic Caesar with crunchy croutons and creamy dressing can balance the meal’s textures.
    • Arugula Salad: Toss arugula with a simple lemon vinaigrette and shaved Parmesan for a peppery, fresh complement to the cutlets.
  4. Pasta and Grains:
    • Spaghetti Aglio e Olio: Pasta tossed with garlic, olive oil, and chili flakes makes a simple yet flavorful side.
    • Quinoa Salad: Mix quinoa with diced vegetables and a light vinaigrette for a nutritious, hearty side.
  5. Breads:
    • Garlic Bread: Crispy garlic bread is great for soaking up any sauce or dressings and adds a satisfying crunch.
    • Dinner Rolls: Soft, warm rolls are perfect for rounding out a comforting meal, ideal for family dinners.
  6. Sauces and Dips:
    • Marinara Sauce: Serve cutlets with a bowl of warm marinara for dipping, turning a simple dish into something special.
    • Aioli or Tartar Sauce: A creamy aioli or tartar sauce can add a rich flavor that complements the crispy chicken.

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